University of Illinois at Chicago's Student Center West
"Bigger than ever, eChicago 2010: Seizing the Broadband Moment will offer over 20 sessions covering the latest updates on how technology is being deployed and used in Chicago and beyond, from a wide variety of perspectives and areas of expertise:
"Bigger than ever, eChicago 2010: Seizing the Broadband Moment will offer over 20 sessions covering the latest updates on how technology is being deployed and used in Chicago and beyond, from a wide variety of perspectives and areas of expertise:
What are the plans for building broadband infrastructure?...How is government using technology to become more transparent?...What about jobs?...How are our communities using technology in transforming themselves?... What are the implications for libraries and media?...What does Wikipedia have to do with any of this?
Take a look at the program posted at http://echicago.illinois.edu, and then come to explore these and other questions on April 30-May 1 at University of Illinois at Chicago's Student Center West.
Keynotes: Hardik Bhatt, City of Chicago CIO; respondent Neville Roy Singham, Executive Chairman, Thoughtworks; Erik Garr, General Manager of the FCC’s Omnibus Broadband Initiative; respondent Drew Clark, Executive Director, Partnership for a Connected Illinois"
This conference is co-sponsored by the GSLIS departments of the University of Illinois at Urbana and Dominican University.
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